Ottawa Softball Friday Theme Nights


Welcome to our post pandemic Ottawa summer! Yes there’s sports but there’s much more than just softball, ball hockey and otherwise. Please respect the covid-19 protocols l

The 2022 Season

  • May 13th: Heather & Hiscock celebrate Baby Bud
  • May 2oth: Erin Birthday
  • May 27th: Alternate SB&W jersey
  • June 3rd : Celebrating Krystle, Cameron AND Adria’s birthdays (Double header)
  • June 10th : Guys vs Girls exhibition game
  • June 17th: Big League Chew night (Jacob)
  • June 24th: Ladies and men’s HR competition
  • July 8th: BBQ 630pm
  • July 15th: Water fight vs kids, BBQ and SarahZ bday
  • Aug 5th : Bring your pet for photo shoot night! (Alanna)
  • Aug 12th :  Ladies night!!
  • Aug 26th: Rich Birthday corn roast (Aug 20th)
  • Sept 2nd:
    Sept 9th:
  • Stay tuned for the dates/times for the following:
  • Claudia’s 30th! Sept 24th
    *All events are before game, during game and after the game @ headquarters please bring drinks, robe, flip flops, bathing suite and towel.

The 2021 Season

July 16th: Co ed home run derby win a date with Captain Eric contest. Winners: Dupe & Erin! Runner ups Jacob, Eric and Krystle. July 23rd: SB&W alternate Jersey week & pitching contest .  Winner Krystle
Aug 6th: Place hitting competition Winner Ritch and runner up Hiscock , no one else came close to these two
Aug 20th: Corn roast & Happy Birthday Rich
Aug 27th: Ladies Night & glo party
Sept 10th: throwing radar Winner Rich 68 & Steph 49
Sept 24th: double header & Claudia birthday

Have you completed what you need to complete?

Ottawa Summer sports are in full swing! We have two softball teams and pick up ball hockey, everything is covid wise , read OUR rules for that but also have you done the following? Will Krystle be sad in her heart or give me a gold star?

Sports: Thursday slo pitch, Friday 3 pitch and Sunday ball hockey pick up, all in the city of Ottawa.

Complete each of the following:

1. Make sure you are on SPN’s website , make a profile and ill add you as a spare to Thursday slo pitch.
 2. Make sure you sign the beer league 3 pitch waiver, please fill it in and email
 3. Make sure you have a completed profile on our website , right here! In the upper right corner click edit profile. Add a photo! Choose your gender,, answer some questions, make it good or be super lame whichever 😉
4. Each week do your in/out if you’re full time, if you’re a spare indicate can or can’t spare. It takes TWO seconds to let us know you’re NOT available which is just as important as available.
5. Follow us on Instagram, send us photos to post!
6. like, follow and support our sponsors, start using our hashtags #ottawasoftball #SBandW #sbw #Until2039 #ottawasports

7. Look your best! Check out our online store and get your merch! Look good , play good!

Did we miss anything? Let us know! Is there something you want to help with , let us know!


Sparing Policy

We know people want to play sometimes as many games as they can but bear in mind this can affect the team as a whole and cause problems for captains especially in certain circumstances. Please keep this in mind when considering sparing for another team. Below is a set of guidelines to clearly explain what is CERTAINLY NOT acceptable. When in doubt ask a captain.

First of all SB&W always keeps loyalty and communication in high regard. If you are full time on a time it is expected that we have priority. If a team is looking for a player on the same day and does not conflict with our game please ask a captain as there are things that leagues have rules against and can put us in a bad spot and you might end up losing playoff availability when sparing the same night for another team regardless of sport. Alex loses his favourite testicle if he plays for any form of FO so also keep in mind there are some teams we have a history with and those that have been around for a couple years or more certainly have a good idea of who they are.

Ball Hockey

Sunday HTBHL is always short on girls especially. They have strict rules when it comes to playoffs as well how a spare factors into team stats. Spares do not appear on the sites team list and their points do not count towards their personal career points or the team points. This is critical if you are not a full time player. Sparing for another team may make you ineligible to play for us in the playoffs. In all circumstances of sparing in ball hockey consult with a captain who can talk to the league and make sure you will be considered a bud first and foremost. Showing up and playing for the other team without saying anything is strongly discouraged unless you want a nail file slowly shoved up your pee pee hole.



The  RA centre does not allow for players to be sparing within the same division. Even playing on the same night can be frowned upon and should be authorized by a captain. Exception to this is Friday as we regularly fill other teams rosters however this is pretty much always coordinated by a captain. Playing in another league or on different nights is acceptable however remember we want committed players to put our team first. At the end of the day everyone is replaceable. Also worth noting there are teams that if you spare for your face might meet a cheese grater. Again ask a captain and we are accommodating.  Also if you want more games we have 3 teams as well as know teams that do look for players from time to time so if you want to play we can make that happen, just ASK


Updated November 2, 2020 by JulieA Franklin

Reminder Valentines Day.


Reminder that the deadline to say YES or NO for returning to the summer season is Valentines Day. If you know you’re OUT for sure tell us now otherwise we expect to hear from each of you Feb 10th-14th!

Payment in FULL must be received by St. Patrick’s Day. ​

Monday Rec Volleyball
​Tuesday A softball
Tuesday D Softall
Friday Open Softball

​Please let Eric know if you want a jersey!​

A look ahead, 2018 what you can expect from Suds, Buds & Windmills!

For the past four years I have sent this email, letting everyone know dates and plans for the new year. A look ahead, 2018 what you can expect from Suds, Buds & Windmills! Have questions, ask us at Kravemas! Also big updates coming to the website 😀

Valentine’s Day: Deadline for all Players, all summer teams, for are you back, YES OR NO. No response by this date equals no.

St. Patrick’s Day: Deadline for all Players, all summer teams must be paid in FULL.

Welcome Alex: Our newest co-captain, Send him a congratulations email . This summer I am going to move to CF on Ddiv but ill spare A. If you know a girl who’s a solid Krystle replacement , please send Alex and Eric and email. MUST hit HR’s that count 😉

Winter teams:* Needs players

BallhockeySundays CDdiv Rec, coed, Orleans

Volleyball: Wed rec coed, Nepean *

Futsal: Monday, Div 2 (out of 6!), comp team, ladies, Nepean/Haven *

Summer teams:

SoftballTuesday A. Tuesday D. Friday Open. All CoEd,

TuedsayD will be lady strong but not flip, Friday is gonna tighten up some spots BUT I am playing SS ALL season so weaker in other positions, be okay with this if you plan to return/play.

Volleyball: Monday Rec *

Sunday BBQ & Practice: We are bringing back the old school Sunday practice n BBQ. Every week weather permitting, Dumaurier, then Krave’s. Note however, it’s NOT “BP”, it’s practice. A few of the girls and myself want to work on some specifics. Everyone welcome.

Tournaments: April Ambush April 28th-29th, will have a men’s and woman’s team. IF there’s enough interest we will also do a co ed team. Adiv has first dibs, this is a play to win tournament.

If you know of a REAL charity tournament that provides tax receipts, please tell us. We will enter a team and charge players just 10-15$ each (or merchandise purchase) as we have a new sponsor this season that will pick up the remainder cost!

Kick Off BBQ: May 25th, we launch the raffle, we play ball, we drink bottomless margaritas… it’s just tradition now… mark the date in your cal 😉

Alternate Jersey Week: This year July 9th & 13th, we will sport our camping shirts, just to switch it up, in either red or white. If you got one, feel free to wear it! If you don’t have one, think about your poor life choices. * we will NOT be participating in the “costume contest”*

OUR Tournaments: We are running two this year! We do need help!

Sloppy Seconds – Aug 11th, 2018

Accepting 10 teams, held in North Gower, 10$ Shuttle bus there and back! Looking for volunteers, ALL Buds, please let us know how you can help! Secret HR derby and the draw for our raffle will happen!

Sloppier Seconds – Oct 13th, 2018

Accepting 20 teams, held at the RA center. NO volunteers required, just teams. If you play on a team besides SB&W the expectation is that you extend an invite! Sign em up!

Main Raffle: Starting May 25th we will be selling tickets for our main raffle. Claud is head of fundraising and Lyndsay with a Y joins her task force this year. Tickets are 10$ each, 250 will be sold, the large liquor basket is back and we are adding prizes as we speak!

Bat Raffle: More information to come in Spring

Sponsors: We have a few sponsors this year, so take a moment to share the love and recognize that their help goes a long way! One of our largest sponsors is Jack Astor’s. Have an event, book it there and tell them YOUR A BUD!

Patio: ALWAYS say you’re with SB&W’s and ensure you’re collecting points when eating or drinking at the RA. Free drinks at the end of the season!

How you can help:

·      Secure sponsor prizing. Know someone or work someplace that can donate a prize to our raffle? Ask. Add it.

·      Volunteer during Sloppy Seconds – Aug 11th, bar tend, grill food, write post games, set up, tear down, update scores, poor out contraband beer, take photos, edit photos, make a video, pitch/catch in the Secret HR Derby, be a DJ etc. Seriously, just volunteer and help out

·      Secure teams for our larger tournament Sloppier Seconds – October 13th. Ask your other teams, make a team, enter a team or two!

·      We need A division girls for soccer/Futsal & Tuesday A softball. If you think that’s you, or you know someone, please tell us!

·      Share on social media platforms. Our sponsors, especially Peter H & Jack Astor’s are often promoting their products and special nights. SB&W will share these videos/photos on twitter/FB and/or Instagram. It takes one second to hit RT, Share and/or the like button. When you share and promote our sponsors you’re also helping our Buds. No one expects “your wall” to be covered in these promotional posts but even just once, goes a long way.

·      Sell Tickets. We are running a bat raffle AND a main raffle. Sell tickets for it to your family, coworkers & friends. We already have the market cornered on the ball community we need you out there expanding our reach!

·      Sell and buy merch. We have two t-shirt logos available, hats , water bottles and necklaces. Buy em’ wear em



Heading into year two of hosting our Tournament(s)! Save the dates now!
Sloppy Seconds  –  Aug 11th, 2018
Sloppier Seconds –  Oct 13th, 2018

Ottawa Softball – SBW Virgin Tourney Post Game – BJ are better than Yanks VS Balls Deep

Pour lancer le tournoi, les BJ are better than Yanks affrontaient les Balls Deep. La 1ere manche s’est amorcée avec un circuit solo de Ben. Les Balls Deep ont fait un rare double-jeu (arrêt-court, 1er et receveur) pour limiter les dégâts à 3 points seulement. Ils ont ensuite répliqué avec 5 points en fin de 1ere manche pour porter le pointage à 5-3. Les 4 premiers gars ont marqué après une succession de coups surs. Les Balls Deep ont ajouté 3 points en 2e manche avec entre autres un triple de Jay M. amenant ainsi le score à 8-3. Les BJ ont égalé la marque en début de 3e manche avec un circuit de 3 points de Sex. En fin de 4e, les Balls Deep ont repris les devants avec une poussée de 4 points avec un simple de 2 points de Jay M. pour amener le pointage à 13-8. Les BJ n’ont pu tirer avantage de la manche illimitée pour revenir dans le match. Les BJ n’ont inscrit qu’un point avec un circuit solo de Sex pour un pointage final de 13-9.

Ottawa Softball – SBW Virgin Tourney Post Game – Ouuulala. Ça CHATTE touille! VS BJ are better than Yanks

Quel début de match alors que les 2 équipes se sont échangés l’avance en inscrivant 5 points chacun en 1e manche. Les Ouuulala ont pu compter sur un circuit de 2 points de Tower et un double de 2 points de Doc Mailloux et les BJ ont eu l’aide de leurs filles alors que Kelly a eu un point produit et Amanda 2 points produits en plus d’un circuit de 2 points de Jesse. Les Ouuulala ont pris l’avance 6-5 en début de 2e manche avec un double de l’Aîné. Jesse a poursuivi son excellent match avec un triple de 2 points produits et Amanda et Christine ont produit chacune un point produit. BJ 10-6. Tower a produit un autre point en début de 3e pour les Ouuulala et les BJ ont ajouté de leur côté 3 points. BJ 13-8. Les Ouuulala ont pu compter sur 2 points comptés grâce aux coups sûrs de Disaster et Doc Mailloux mais se sont vu retirer 2 fois au marbre. Les BJ ont ajouté un point avec un circuit solo de Dan. BJ 14-10. Les Ouuulala ont eu 2 buts sur balles de l’Aîné et de Canuel et un simple après 2 retraits mais n’ont pu capitalisé avec les buts remplis et se sont ainsi inclinés 14-10 contre les BJ.

Ottawa Softball – SBW Virgin Tourney Post Game – 3:15 Balls Deep (reds) vs Studs, Duds and Wind-Ups (blue) 

3:15 Post Game write up: Balls Deep (reds) vs Studs, Duds and Wind-Ups (blue)
Well, the game started at about the time the cute ump yelled out “It’s 3:16!!! Let’s get this game get going!”, and to get the point: Balls Deep won against Studs, Duds and Wind-Ups 9-5. Let’s dive into exactly what happened here. Oh, and to be clear, Balls Deep will be referred to as the “red team” and Studs, Duds and Wind-Ups will be the “blue team” here on out. I ain’t typing that shit up every fucking time.
The first inning started out with the blue team really blowing the big one. Even Beardy’s sweet outfield hit couldn’t land them a run into home base. The red team snuck in the next round
with a sweet run in, mostly thanks Tracy’s sick 2nd base slide in. Did anybody catch the way the sun glossed over the ump’s sculpted calves btw?
The second inning is really when the red team brought the shit. They scored three runs in on the blue team here with Tracy carrying the team once again by getting another sick outfield hit. The dude with the white glove also caught a decent outfield pop fly as well, so there’s that. Although the blue team wasn’t able to score any runs, the tallest dude on their team also managed to catch a decent fly ball.
Go that guy! Good for you, buddy! Also, lovin’ that salt n’ pepper look the ump is sporting.
The third inning was the inning where the blue team actually gave the red team a run for their money. They scored one run in, with that dude with the one white arm, the one black arm and the red shorts (why are so many of them wearing the one black sleeve?) cracking that ball right out into the outfield. They also stopped the red team from getting any runs in with help from that chick in the ball pants catching a tricky pop fly. Jesus Christ, the ump is hot.
The fourth inning was also a win for the blue team as the blue hat dude scored a sweet homerun early into the inning. Not to be outshined, the Cubs bro made a nice play by getting a fast runner out on second after he plowed through first. Is that a Superman belt the ump is wearing? *Swoon*
Unfortunately the rest of the game is where the blue team fell short. Even though Sens bro locked in a sick homerun, the red team scored big time the next two innings with help from the sunglasses girl catching a sweet outfield hit and then doggin’ in strong as hell by getting a few more runs in. The umps pecks look so hard in that polo shirt.
All in all, both teams fought hard but the red team was able to leg up on the blue team near the end of game. Yo, does anyone have the ump’s number?  Lyndsay with a Y

Ottawa Softball – SBW Virgin Tourney Post Game – Balls Deep vs. BJ’s are better than Yanks

Balls Deep got off to a slow start after an initial walk, with a deep
fly out and a pair of Ks.
The lead batter of BJs are better than Yanks then tried to disprove
the team name by going solo (with a home run).
BJs then proceeded to show how to put balls deep scoring 5 to end the inning.

In the next inning Daniel got burned by a very Deep Ball. Things were
looking up from there as they put 4 on the board.
The BJs came back, yanking out another 5 runs while BD lost control of
their balls in a series of errors.

BD followed by burning the BJs fielders again. It’s a little tough to
swallow that they didn’t back up enough after the previous inning. A
very touchy call was made at 3rd with a pile of players on top of each
other but with the ball clearly exposed the runner was safe.
In the bottom of the inning BD’s catcher left the BJs feeling blue,
turning a beautiful double play to end the inning.

In the next inning, BD’s catcher continued her dominance by sending
the ball deep for some RBIs. BD tacked on 4 more runs.
Les Saoulons de la Beauce treated us to a mid-inning sing along, led
by the hot guy in the black tank top, that was cut short by the ump to
the great disappointment of the fans. Hoping for a repeat performance
afterwards, preferably without the tank top.
Most of the bottom of the inning went unnoticed except Sex hit a Ball
Deep out of the park for a home run.

In the end, the BJs yanked out a 15-10 win over Balls Deep. – Shirley

Ottawa Softball – SBW Virgin Tourney Post Game Finals B – Studs, Duds, and Windys vs. $25 for a Chance

(Finals) – Studs, Duds, and Windys vs. $25 for a Chance
It was looking like the Studs were going to come out swinging as they scored a home run on the first
pitch of the game but $25 put a quick stop to that. $25 pulled out their secret (not so secret) weapon,
FTG, who knocked the ball out of the park into the lights. “Donaldson” hit the ball right against the fence
line bringing a runner home and now $25 started picking up momentum. By the end of the 1 st , $25 took
the lead with a score of 4-1.
With some great hits down Main Street, the Studs closed the scoring to 4-3. The Studs now pitching,
nearly got caught as a 3 rd base runner was closing in on home base and a toss from the pitcher to the
catcher was high. The catcher, standing only on the tip of his toes, made the catch just as the runner got
to home securing the out. However, the Studs’ amazing catching skills were no match for $25’s batting
skills. FTG got a grand slam and another batter got the 3 rd and final allowed home run of the game for
$25, closing the inning with the max 5 runs and only 2 outs.
The Studs were looking to close the gap in the 3 rd inning, however $25 made a terrific double play and
the Studs didn’t manage to get a run. $25 came out swinging once again and nearly hit the pitcher for
the second time of the game. Pitcher Julie was a little shaken up but continued to pitch, getting some
strikeouts. The glare of the sun was against the Studs and was the cause for multiple runs for $25.
The Studs were up to bat in the 4 th inning, with some fantastic hits but almost all pop flys, allowing only
1 runner home. When $25 was up to bat and bases were loaded, “uOttawa Dymano” made a hit that
was a borderline out of the park home run but was just shy hitting the fence and saving herself from an
automatic out. Her run brought everyone but herself home and they ended the inning with some great
The 5 th had the potential to be the final inning if the Studs couldn’t close the gap to less than 12 runs.
The Studs were ready to play, Pitcher Julie getting a beauty home run and adding 2 points to the score.
With some good runs, the Studs had a chance to make it to the next inning. When $25 was up to bat,
the Studs got 2 quick outs with an impressive running catch; however the momentum of $25 couldn’t be
stopped and they got the runs they needed to end the game 17-5.