Five star 2024

Suds, Buds & Windmills does more than just play sports. SB&W’s also hosts a yearly softball tournament just outside the city of Ottawa limits.

We popped our cherry in 2017 when we hosted our first, and incredibly successful Virgin tournament. Wanting more we returned in 2018 to get Sloppy. Sloppy Seconds & SloppIER Seconds brought more success and profits were donated to charity. The third year we wanted to introduce men’s and host mens, ladies and co ed ultimately decided to stick with simply co ed but still called it a Three Way. Then in 2023 we realized it should be FOUR women and that’s what we did hosting two  women only tournaments. As we head into 2024 we want to host a FIVE Star event. We recognize, remember and value those who have been with us from the start.

As always:

  • No 1-1 count
  • 4 games guaranteed
  • Reasonable entry fee
  • BBQ, 50/50 & Raffle


We aren’t a team and we ain’t a league. The tournament does ask for a 50% deposit. Our tournament organizers are committed to running the best event possible but in order to do so , we need to ensure all payments are received and that all teams are secured.

400$ a team, 50% deposit due one month in advance!



North Gower


  1. Tigers (E) -Watts
  2. Valley Rebels (E) – Mills
  3. Mood Swingers – Casey
  4. Sirens (D) Julie McCabe
  5. Hot Mess Express (C) – Chelsea
  6. The Ladies of Hollywood (D) Kat
  7. Turtle Tornadoes – Not Krystle
  8. x



Link to french version of the rules

The Suds, Buds & Windmills Women’s Slo-Pitch Tournament 2024 RULES                         (updated June 4, 2024)

Tournament Directors have the right to modify the tournament format due to unforeseeable circumstances (e.g., inclement weather).

The Suds, Buds & Windmills Slo-Pitch Tournament will follow the NSA rule book and bat rule with the exception of the following rules which take precedence over the rule book:

RANKINGS: Teams will be awarded 2 points for a WIN, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.


  • Overall Points
  • Best +/-
  • Fewer “Actual Runs Against”
  • More “Actual Runs For”
  • Head to Head (if played against each other)
  • Coin Toss


  1. A team roster consisting of 19 players maximum must be submitted immediately after the first game. The batting order cannot exceed 14 players. Teams need a minimum of 9 players to start the game. Teams can play with 9 players with no auto-out. There is a 5-minute grace period as of the scheduled start time. If you do not have 9 players at any time after that, the game will be a default and the score will be 7-0. There are 10 defensive positions. To qualify for the playoffs, a player must be on the submitted roster. No player may play on more than one team without prior approval from the Tournament Director due to unforeseen circumstances. If a team has a player(s) show late to the game, before the 1st pitch of the 5th inning, then the COACH MUST:

-Announce  to the umpire that a Player(s) has/have shown up AND

-The Coach MUST identify to the umpire that the player(s) will EITHER be added to the bottom of the batting order OR will be a substitute.

  1. For Round Robin Games, the home team is decided by coin toss prior to the game. The coin toss winner has the option to choose home/away. In playoffs, the higher ranking team will be the home team.
  2. All round robin and non-final playoff games will be (6) inning games and have a 70 minute time limit. No new inning may start after the 60 minute mark. After 70 minutes, the score reverts to the previous inning. Between the 50 and 60 minute mark, the umpire will declare “last inning” in the top of an inning prior to the third out. Once this occurs, teams can score unlimited runs. The finals are 7 innings with no time limit and unlimited runs in the 7th inning. In Round Robin play, If the home team is winning in the bottom of the last designated inning, the game is over regardless of the score. Teams do not continue to play for maximum +/-.
  3. Round Robin games may end in a tie. In the playoffs, when tied after the last designated inning and beyond, the batter at the time of the last out from the previous inning will start at second base and there will be 1 out. All extra innings will be unlimited runs.
  4. Courtesy Runners: 4 per game. Any person in the line-up can run and runners can be used multiple times. If a courtesy runner is on base when it is their turn to bat, they will be considered an automatic out – unless you wish to use another courtesy runner if one is available. “Pitcher – Courtesy Runner” rule – If a pitcher is batting and they safety reaches base and there are 2 outs, a coach can ask or a “Free” courtesy runner (WILL NOT count as one of the 4 courtesy runner) will be allowed so that the pitcher can have time to put on gear to be ready for the next defensive inning, REGARDLESS of whether the pitch is putting on gear OR not BUT must pitch in the next defensive inning. YOU CANNOT USE A COURTESY RUNNER FROM HOME PLATE (if you cant make it to 1st base, that’s considered an injury and the player should be pulled from the lineup)
  5. Home Run Rule (any ball clearly over the fence in fair territory, regardless of being touched or deflected) – 3 home runs per game. After the 3 HRs, any untouched ball that leaves the field in fair territory is an out. The walk off rule is used for both HRs and 4 base awards with the batter not having to touch 1st base.
  6. A run ahead rule is in effect for all games shall result in the conclusion of the game. The run ahead rule is fifteen (15) or more runs after the completion of four (4) innings or twelve (12) or more runs after the completion of five (5) or more innings. All games must be completed unless a time limit is enforced or the run ahead rule is in effect. The run ahead rule is in effect for all games including the Finals.
  7. There will be no warm-up time (infield or outfield) allowed after the official game start time.
  8. All bases will be pegged down. A safety base will be used at first base.
  9. NO STEEL or DETACHABLE CLEATS are permitted – Rubber and Nylon only. If a player is discovered wearing metal cleats, he/she will be declared out (if on offense) and MUST remove the cleats to continue playing.


  1. There will be a maximum of 5 runs per team per inning – unless it is the 6th inning or declared “last inning” by the umpire prior to the beginning of the inning – in which case there are unlimited runs.
  2. Winning team will report the score. When reporting scores, teams will report actual scores, however a maximum run differential of 10 (ten) will be used to determine the second tie-breaking rule. The actual scores will be used to determine the fourth tie-breaking rule.
  3. In Round Robin play, If the home team is winning in the bottom of the last designated inning, the game is over regardless of the score. Teams do not continue to play for maximum +/-.


  1. Pitchers are *required* to wear protective masks while pitching.
  2. The pitcher must start with at least one foot inside the pitching zone (between 50 and 60 feet from home plate and within a 2-foot chute).
  3. The pitcher must deliver the ball to the plate with a visible arc of at least six (6) feet and not higher than twelve (12) feet. Pitches that are not thrown in this zone will be ruled as ‘illegal’ and count as a ball for the batter, unless the batter attempts to hit the pitch, in which case the result of the swing will count.
  4. A legally pitched ball that makes contact with the board will be called a strike.
  5. On a walk, the play is dead until the next pitch is thrown. (Intentional walks are permitted)


  1. Batters will be allowed a maximum of 4 balls or 3 strikes. If the third strike is hit foul the batter is out.
  2. NO BUNTING allowed; batter will be called out. NO STEALING allowed; baserunner will be called out.
  3. If a batter is injured while batting and is removed from the game, the next batter will continue with the previous count.
  4. Any batter stepping on the board while making contact with the ball will be automatically out.
  5. A batter must not touch 1st base with the bat in hand (even on a walk). The batter/baserunner will be called out.
  6. Any ball hit by the batter which then strikes the board will be called a “dead ball” and ruled a strike on the batter.
  7. A batter must ask the umpire for time at home plate before the pitcher throws his pitch.


  1. All bats must meet the “NSA Approved Softball Bat List”. The Jacked Nemesis is an Illegal Bat for this tournament.


  1. The infield fly rule is in effect.
  2. Defensive substitutions may be made at any time during a stoppage of play.
  3. ANY foul ball caught by the catcher, regardless of height, is an out.
  4. Trappers can only be used at first base, pitcher and catcher.


  1. Sliding will be permitted at any base but home. Any baserunner sliding into home will be called out for sliding. The other runners must remain at the last base they were at.
  2. If the ball is thrown out of bounds (boundaries determined by the ground rules of each diamond) the award will be two bases from the time of the throw from the last safe base touched. The direction the runner is moving does not matter (e.g., runner at 1st advances to 3rd).
  3. Base runners can only advance when the ball is legally hit or on a forced walk. If a ball is legally caught (fair or foul) any base runner may tag up and advance at his own risk.
  4. There is an Anticipation Step allowed. Therefore, when the ball enters the hitting zone, a baserunner is allowed to take an anticipation step.
  5. A commit line will be marked on the third base line, 20 feet from home plate. Once a baserunner touches the ground beyond this line, they must advance home. This play becomes a force play at home plate. A baserunner cannot be tagged out at the plate. The catcher must touch the plate with possession of the ball before the runner touches safe line or the ground beyond for the umpire to call an out.
  6. Baserunners are out for stepping on, over or in front of the plate.
  7. The umpires’ decisions are final. They will rule on any situation that may arise during the game. Unsportsmanlike conduct by any player will result in disqualification from the game and possibly the tournament. If it continues the team will be disqualified. If a player is ejected with the line-up above 10 players, then that person’s spot in the line-up will be an automatic out unless there is a substitution available that was identified as a substitute at the beginning of the game. If an ejection takes a team below 10 players, the game is over and a forfeit (7-0 win) is awarded to the non-offending team.



2024 schedule v1.0
2024 schedule v1.0






All Winning team names on our trophy!

12 Custom hats
12 Professional car detailing gift certificates from Dodge Southbank!
12 Custom t-shirts
12-20 person tour of Broadhead Brewers with four 5ounce samples per person. RSVP with brewery required



  1. 50/50
  2. Bat raffle