After Isabelle got into a serious car accident our SloppIER seconds tournament (see below) we had the pleasure of participating in another charity drive for the Kidney Foundation. The Don Sutherland Memorial Softball Tournament was doing it’s 7th annual tournament in 2019 and we took a trip to Pembroke to participate.
Courtesy of some team funds and contributions from Eric, Alex and Kim G we donated bottles of liquor for their raffle. Almost 8k dollars in total was raised for the Kidney Foundation Chapter of Eastern Canada
We plan to keep participating in this tournament and make it an annual cottage tournament.
Little League Coaching
In the summer and fall of 2018 we volunteered to couch a OWLL Owls Tball team. We ran a practice every week and hopefully was able to inspire some young ball players to continue playing and find their love for the game.
Equipment Drive for CubaCan Kids 
The U21 Women’s National Tournament was being held in Ottawa summer of 2019 and they were putting on an equipment drive for CubaCan Kids, a charity that gathers new or used equipment, mostly baseball, to send to Cuba for the locals to enjoy and use in their community games.
Given we are always big on women in sports and Cuba has a close spot in our hearts as we are doing yearly trips there this was a cause we jumped right on board with.
A few buds scrounged through their basements and garages and were able to donate gloves balls and bats along with some gear from other sports to donate. CubaCan Kids was a pleasure to deal with and are always willing to work with people to organize drop offs for donations. Highly encourage anyone that would like to give to this cause to find them on Facebook and make a kids dream come true with their very own equipment to go play Cuba’s national sport
Girl Power Donation
On August 25th 2018 we participated in the 3rd annual Girl Power tournament in Barry’s Bay, winning the B side champions. The prize money off 250$ Was donated to Bethany Hope Centre charity in the spirit of empowering women which is a mantra of our team and one of our core principals.
We ran a book drive for Manordale Public School late 2018 early 2019. The school has kindergarten to grade 6, age range 4-12. Our players and friends donated books at our popular events such as Kravemas and Ice Ice baby as well as people dropping by to give their new or lightly used books, colouring pencils and various school supplies. We are happy to say we also received french books from our players to donate to the school.
Our friend and teammate Isabelle Pilon was in a serious car accident fall 2018 and we dedicated our SloppIER seconds tournament to her. What she wanted most for us to do was send a kid that had kidney issues to camp. We fulfilled her wish and through the kidney foundation charity we got a proud moment of sending a child to one of their camps.
Book Drive
We loaded up Eric’s house full of books during our book drive and were dropped of to World Books
Baking Cookies for Women’s Shelter
Went to Corner stone woman’s shelter during the holiday season to bake cookies and help out
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