Ottawa SBW Upcoming Seasons

Welcome Ottawa!

This page is updated each season to bring you an update on our plans for the upcoming season. The events, sports and activities we plan for the Ottawa and surrounding areas. What we have planned for Ottawa Softball, Ottawa Ball hockey, Ottawa Volleyball , Ottawa Futsal  or other Ottawa Sports. We also will also give updates on Softball tournaments we host or community outreach programs via our Buds Give Back.

Summer Sports 2024:

Women’s Sunday softball



  1. Baby Girl Alex
  2. Krystle
  3. Crystal Lake
  4. Sens Jess
  5. Kat Chaput
  6. Mary
  7. Creggan
  8. Angela M
  9. Sophie
  10. Hollie 
  11. Ashley
  12. Kelsie
  13. Hillary
  14. Kamila


Men’s Tuesday Softball
Dumaurier, Britannia, Clarke, TBD

  1. Eric
  2. Pete
  3. Jeff
  4. Anderson
  5. Pat
  6. Hiscock
  7. Dryden
  8. Yendry
  9. Jamie W
  10. Rich
  11. Cham
  12. Cory


Co Ed Friday Softball
Plex mostly

  1. Krystle
  2. Kamila
  3. Baby girl Alex / Baby Alex
  4. Mary
  5. Sens Jess
  6. Sarah Z
  7. Hiscock
  8. Heather
  9. Dupe
  10. Cam Cam
  11. Eric
  12. Alex