Is it a Rain out?
Does it say on the schedule that the game is cancelled? No? Then it’s not a rain out! ALWAYS PLAN TO PLAY! Do not ask if it’s a rain out. if you have to ask then the game is on. PERIOD. As soon as the RA determines it’s a rain out the schedule will be edited first then social media (facebook, instagram and twitter) and then ever effort will be made to send an email or text to individual people. The RA will only call games up til 5pm. Anything after that is Umpire’s discretion. If for any reason people do not show up to the game cause they THOUGHT it was going to get rained out, especially girls, then we FORFEIT. If you don’t show up for this dumb reason you might as well not come out to the next game.
What does the team name mean:
Probably one of the most #FAQ we ever get and so many side stories that follow.
Okay so in the softball world you get a lot of sexual innuendo and it’s part of the culture. We wanted that but we also didn’t want to be the 5th team named Pitch Please, Where my Pitches at, Master Batters etc. We wanted to be #TheOnly, but we also wanted to keep with the unique softball culture & have some play on words. We also knew that we would be more then just a softball team, that when Eric & Krystle do anything they go bigger badder and simply better. We didn’t quite anticipate the empire that we became but we knew we would expand and be more.
There’s two versions of our name, the clean and the softball dirty. If you want to know the latter you need to ask a Bud in person. Anyone wearing a jersey with our name is gonna know and be happy to tell you more about the history of this empire. They can also tell you about #AllTenGames lol
The clean version is Suds, for beers, Buds for friends and Windmills because of windmills pitches , catcher gear (Yas) & ball, that being said our teams have never and will never play windmill softball. Just getting to keep y’all on your toes.
#BudHistory #SBWHistory #SBandW #Until2039 #NowYouKnow #StoryTime#SBWFacts
Our website
It was 2013, a kid named Johnny messaged Krystle asking if she & her friends could play softball for their Co-Ed team in the Special Olympics Quyon tournament. Krystle agreed only if Eric could join as well.
Providing little to no details to Sarah Eric and JulieA all three agreed for some reason to go out. Where is it? Do we have a tent? What about food? …. JulieA coined the adventure as “Sketch” which we still refer to it today as.
It was during this tournament that Renee spoke of the Smoking Aces having a website! It was decided then ON THE SPOT we would have one too and by Tuesday , a mere two days later was born. Thanks to our amazing behind the scenes tech team, Eric A, the site is how SBW is capable of running such an empire.
SBW would return the next two years with their own full teams and win in
2016 with the help of GSam’s Brawlers.
#SBandW #Until2039 #SBWHistory #StoryTime
What’s the deal with #Until2039
In 2012 Co -Captain Krystle went to Co-Captain Eric Delisle’s men’s competitive ONSPL game. The Hot Pockets were playing at Dumaurier West. Best I can figure it was August 13th, 2012.
A foul ball was hit, you know the spot , down the hill into that ditch area next to the parking lot. As Cappy Krystle went to fetch it she wandered past a table of men playing cards. The ball was retrieved and thrown in and one of the gentleman complimented her throw and asked if she wanted a beer. Silly question, clearly that answer was a yes.
She sat with them at their Costco fold up table, admiring the bottle of scotch (fave drink…) on the table and trying to figure out what card game they were playing. Everyone introduced themselves and two brothers named Eric & Dave (CLEARLY a sign) ran the team. They had played before Eric’s game that night. They told her they had all played together since high school! 1985! They chatted and drank and it was interesting to see that they had done this for so many years.
She was inspired. She wanted to be drinking scotch and smoking cigars in a lotty after her games with SBW when she was an “old man”. Eventually Eric’s game ended and he found her. She asked, if a team had been together since 85 , how many years would that be (her age..).. okay, if our team stayed together what year would we then play until?
Until 2039 he answered.
#SBandW #NowYouKnow #SBWFacts #StoryTime
ps. if anyone knows what team it was that handed Krystle a beer and inspired us, please let me know…
Mack zone:
Alright , this has come up a few times from other teams and also newer players n lots of boys. So here it is, the censored version, if you want the demonstration find a #LadyBud in a dug out or on the RA patio, ask nice , and hope they don’t show you MZ is the same as fight zone (reach).
It was roughly 2011 (although really old timers will remember it’s been around before that with a less PC name…) the boys & girls of SBW were on a patio, (you’re gonna notice that’s a common setting for these stories ) and discussing deep thoughts on men woman and love. One of the guys (maybe ODave? Not sure) was saying how they would love if woman made the first move and took more initiative.
Captain Krystle, one of our most shy, quiet and timid players () said woa woa woahhh! Let’s look at this logistically, TBF to ladies we can’t always physically do that since there is usually a heigh difference. Dave is out of her zone 🙁
1. Mack zone is based on the female
2. Each woman has her own Mack zone but in a general scenario the zone is determined on Cap Krystle’s height.
3. Tall girls have a larger Mack
Zone it’s easier to kneel down then go up, once knees are bent , you’re out of the zone tho’
You’re in a woman’s MZ if she can kiss you without asking. Not tippy toe , look at you all doe eyed’ needing to wait for yo ass to figure it out, I mean have at it, no asking.
Cameron our Sassy Boy Scout are really good examples of guys who fit just perfect for like 80% of girls.
#BudHistory #SBWHistory #SBandW #Until2039 #NowYouKnow #StoryTime #SBWFacts”
How Does in out work
Full time players: If you know you’re out for sure, go to that game and say OUT. Vacation in three weeks, let us know now. Do not write in, in, in , in on every game, that never works! Sometime the week before the next game, go to the game and comment in , out, or “maybe late have exam” etc. Cut off for all sports, any game is the day PRIOR at NOON. I will replace you at that point.
Spares/or another night you don’t play on: The week of the game, go and comment on the page “can spare”, I will ask you first. I might have to ask a lady before a dude because of co-ed requirements and I might choose an outfielder over an infielder but in general ill ask who ever is there because it makes my life easier and shaves 10 texts off my nightly routine. If you CANT spare, do the same, tell us. Justyn with a Y musta had to tell me 10 times he had weddings this summer, I have trouble sometimes keeping track, there’s 100 of you and three of us!
US vs. Them
What is it: It’s men’s vs Woman’s as a practice game but mostly a serious chirp fest between all of us.
The history& Futsal: Started with Soccer aka Futsal. Started with our womans soccer team vs them, the guys who always watched the games. We lost in a devastating 5-2 game the first time we played, the second time we played “The Rematch” the ladies won! The 3rd time we matched up against one another, last winter titled “The Tie breaker” the ladies lost , again 5-2. We should be playing the 4th installment November 11th called “LetsGo” , the series is currently 1-2 led by THEM, the men.
Softball: Last year we had the first ever Us vs. Them softball edition. The girls loss pretty badly, all evidence of the game (score sheet) was destroyed lol, we couldn’t even beat the spread that “vegas” put on it. Captain Krystle ended up wearing a cute little maid outfit for frolic. The second in the series, happened September 23rd, 7pm and the ladies got pumped. THIS time we are adding a handicap.
Volleyball: will be added next summer. Eric is convinced this is the only thing the ladies can win, even tho *cough* *cough* we have a win already in soccer, just sayin. Tentative date is May 15th 630pm.
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