Ottawa Softball Post Game 4 + 5, SBW Beer vs Voldemort & Bate Island Strikers

Friday Open Div against Team Voldemort.
Double Header on Friday! Yet another win for SBW with its share of action. Sarah kept up with her tradition of getting to second base. The Aces of bases were intimidated during the first game stating, “that girl can really play.” Captain Eric hit an out of field home run. No surprise. Mike, being insubordinate to the 3rd base coach Samuel, instructed rather loudly for Krystle to keep running to home. This resulted in an infield home run. Fumble at the plate made this possible.
First inning started with a full 7 runs. Two separate innings ended like this. Scores were questionably kept by Sarah-Rose and Melon(Adam). Mills was caught doing outfield yoga, arabesque. We ended the night with a legit soccer style team picture and some beers on the patio.

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